Welcome to GFG's VITB Chapter

GeeksforGeeks Student Chapters are University-based community chapters for students interested in Computer Science and who want to make their career in this field.

About Us

Unleashing innovation and embracing challenges, we stride forward with passion and unity, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Igniting Minds, Nurturing Innovators: Our Journey

Together, we embark on a journey of knowledge-sharing, where every member contributes, learns, and grows. Our diverse set of events, workshops, and hackathons are designed to challenge your skills and expand your horizons. One of our primary objectives is to leverage our collective knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on our local businesses and the community. We believe in giving back and finding innovative, effective, and optimized solutions to real-world problems. Through various projects and initiatives, we are committed to making a difference.

At GeeksforGeeks VIT Bhopal Student Chapter, we are a vibrant and dynamic community of aspiring computer science enthusiasts, driven by our passion for technology and innovation. Our mission is to foster a collaborative environment where students can explore, learn, and excel in the vast world of computer science. Our chapter is a University-based community that aims to empower students who are keen on pursuing a rewarding career in the field of Computer Science.

Whether you are a coding enthusiast, a problem-solving wizard, or simply curious about the latest advancements in technology, we have something exciting to offer you! By becoming a part of our GeeksforGeeks Student Chapter, you open doors to a world of peer-to-peer learning.

Our values

Guided by our values, we empower minds, foster innovation, and create impact within our vibrant tech community.

Curiosity and Exploration

We are united by an unquenchable curiosity to explore the frontiers of knowledge and technology. We encourage questioning, investigating, and delving into the unknown, fostering a culture of continuous learning and intellectual growth.

Collaboration and Inclusivity

Diversity is our strength. We embrace a collaborative environment where students from diverse backgrounds and skill sets come together to exchange ideas, share insights, and work collectively towards common goals. Inclusivity is at the heart of our interactions, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and valued.

Innovation and Creativity

We believe that innovation thrives in an environment that encourages creativity. We encourage our members to think outside the box, challenge conventions, and come up with novel solutions to complex problems, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Excellence and Quality

Striving for excellence is a non-negotiable value for us. We are committed to delivering high-quality events, workshops, and projects that leave a positive impact on our community. Attention to detail, continuous improvement, and setting high standards are integral to everything we do.


We believe in the power of mentorship and peer support. Our community empowers its members to take on leadership roles, share their knowledge, and guide one another in their journeys. We foster an environment where learning is a two-way street, and experienced members inspire and guide newer ones.

Ethics and Integrity

Integrity is our compass. We uphold the highest ethical standards in our interactions, decision-making, and project development. Our commitment to integrity ensures that our actions align with our values and contribute positively to society.

Upcoming Events

Unlock a world of learning and innovation, join us at our upcoming events!

Upcoming Event Title

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Upcoming Event Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odit perferendis pariatur consequatur quae ratione totam, nisi numquam porro suscipit atque! Reprehenderit esse perspiciatis.

Upcoming Event Title

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odit perferendis pariatur consequatur quae ratione totam, nisi numquam porro suscipit atque! Reprehenderit esse perspiciatis.

Past Events

Relive the moments of knowledge-sharing and camaraderie from our past events!

Somnium Space | Francesco Vincenti

Somnium Space is a virtual reality (VR) platform that allows users to create, explore, and interact within a digital world. It's a metaverse, a collective virtual shared space.


Geeks for Geeks VIT Bhopal is back with another spree of events in a 3-day long tech carnival "GeekGala 2022" from the 18th to 20th of February!

Web3.0 - How to Crypto

A weekend in conversation with eminent personalities about the hot terms revolving around the Web3.0 technology revolution that the youth is living through.

Hack the Terminal

Hack the Terminal opening ceremony. Show your skills in Terminal

MLH Fellowship by Ms. Sashrika Kaur

MLH Fellowship, as you must be knowing is a highly prestigious programme which has aspirants the world over.

Geek Week: Local

Geek Week: Local is a week-long hackathon of creating hacks, solving problems, and building profiles both big and small.

Become An Open Source Contributor

Hacktoberfest is an open-source contribution challenge held each year in the month of October. It is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean and DEV.

College Life & Career Guidance with Ankit bhaiya

After the huge success of Career Guidance with Ankit bhaiya, many of you were asking for the presentation and the recording of the event for reference.

Coding Hearts

This was a 3‑day event from 14th February to 16th February, where we taught Python and helped participants in building capstone projects each day using Python.

Our Team

Meet our dedicated team of tech enthusiasts, united by a passion for innovation and knowledge sharing.

Walter White


Jesse Pinkman

Vice President

Jane Margolis

General Secretary

Saul Goodman

Web Lead

Contact Us

Feel free to get in touch with us for any inquiries or feedback.


Kotri Kalan, Ashta, Near Indore Road, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 466114




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